In General ​

SGxEleazar (“”) owns and operate this Website. This document governs your relationship with (“Website”). Access to and use of this Website and the products and services available through this Website (collectively, the "Services") are subject to the following terms, conditions and notices (the "Terms of Service"). By using the Services, you are agreeing to all of the Terms of Service, as may be updated by us from time to time. You should check this page regularly to take notice of any changes we may have made to the Terms of Service.
Access to this Website is permitted on a temporary basis, and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Services without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason this Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts or all of this Website.
This Website may contain links to other websites (the "Linked Sites"), which are not operated by has no control over the Linked Sites and accepts no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. Your use of the Linked Sites will be subject to the terms of use and service contained within each such site. ​

Privacy Policy ​

SgxEleazar with domicile located at División del Norte 327, Colonia del Valle, C.P. 03100, Ciudad de México, acknowledges the importance of the legitimate, controlled and informed treatment of personal data of users of our websites. As a result of the aforementioned, we place at your disposal this Privacy Policy, resulting from what is established by the Federal Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals Law and its Regulation, by which we inform you of the treatment your personal data and other information gathered through our websites shall receive.

This Privacy Notice is placed at your disposal in order for you to be aware of the practices of SGxEleazar when obtaining, using, revealing or storing your personal data. SGxEleazar gathers, uses, stores or transfers your personal data, as allowed by law, to undertake the purposes of the business such as: quality control, shipment of merchandise bought through our page, sending of information related to the company and its products, sending of required information, as well as to contact you to send communications of SGxEleazar; perform analyses in order to determine the efficacy of our advertisement or legal obligations.

Your personal data shall be treated only for the time necessary in order to fulfill the described purposes and/or according to what is established by applicable legal dispositions.

- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Payments